Yes, to some degree you can. If you use “Sows/Boars” – “Print sow cards” you get this:

Click the layout setup. 

And this will appear:

The blue box containing the sow number 3575 at the top left corner is chosen right now. This is stated in the red box in the top right corner. Beneath there is a drop down menu. Here you can select the information you want in the blue box. Here sow number: 3575

If you move to section 5 by clicking you can select other options. Here we have selected “Litter data (adjustable)”. This gives you the option to select the content of the section. 


The right side is what is shown on the sow card. E.g. you want to remove “Live born” you mark it and click the arrow to the left. If you want to add “sow piglets” you mark it and click the arrow to the right and it will be shown on your sow card. 

Do you want to have “Sow piglets” more to the left on your sow card, you can mark it and click arrow up. Double arrow up and “Sow piglets” will be the first mentioned.