All herd animals that are created under "Sows/boars" are assigned a sow card, where you can get an overview of the sow's data.

You can access the sow card in several ways:

  1. Go to "Sows/Boars" - "Sow card". 
  2. Double-click on a sow number in any window. The sow card is opened for the sow in question and if you select another sow, the sow card will automatically move to it. 


The sow card is divided into five categories: 

  1. The first part is information regarding entry of the sow.
  2. The second part is regarding litter results.
  3. The third part shows selected key figures for the animal.
  4. The fourth part is the exit details of the sow.
  5. The fifth part can be used for comments regarding the sow.

Setup sowcard: 

Choose "Setup" in the top of the sow card.

The following window will open:


Here you can checkmark the items you want to be visible on the sow card. Accept by clicking "Ok".

  • "Show result" - select or remove section 3 with key figures. 
  • "Show exit" - select or remove section 4 on exits. 
  • "Show text" - select or remove section 5 with notes. 
  • "Open dead piglet" - select or remove the window with dead piglets. 
  • "Open piglet transfer" - select or remove the window with transferred piglets. 
  • "Open medicine" - select or remove the window with treatments registered on a sow number. 
  • "Open remarks" - select or remove the window with supplemental registration

If a check mark is added or removed in one of the four bottom points, the change does not occur until the sow card has been closed down and opened again.


Click on the icon "Layout setup" if you want to customize you own sow card by adding exactly what you need to the layout. 

The following window appears: 

Here, you can choose which part of the sow card you want to edit.  

  1. The first part is general information about the sow 
  2. The second part is about litter results
  3. The third part is key figures
  4. The fourth part is about the exit

Once you have chosen which part of the sow card you want to edit, the layout setup works in the same way as in all other windows. Add or remove check mark and click "Ok".

Find sows thorugh the sow card:

Find a herd animal by entering the sow number in the top left corner and press Enter. Another option is to use the arrows left and right to switch between the animals.

Create a new sow card: 

Enter the sow number in the top left corner and press Enter. If the number is not already in use, you will see this message.

If you want to create a new sow card you can press "Yes". 

If the number already exists in you herd, but the sow has an exit date, you can re-use the number. In this case you must create the sow in "Sows boars" – "Entry". 

Print sow card

Go to "Sows boars" - "Print sow cards". 

In the top of the window there is a dropdown menu "Selection", where there are various options for selecting sow cards for printing.

  • If you choose "Sow numbers to be entered" you can enter the specific sows you want to print the sowcard of. 
  • If you choose "Service groups to be entered" you must enter the service group number and all the sowcards of the sows in the service group will be printed.
  • If you choose "Service date of sows in gestation" you will have to enter the service date of the sows you want to print the sowcard of. 
  • If you choose "Farrowing date of suckling sows" you must enter the farrowing date of the sows you want to print the sowcard of. 
  • If you choose "Weaning date of empty sows" you have to enter the date on which the sows have farrowed the last time and their sow cards will be printed. 
  • If you choose "Expected farrowing date (only in gestation)" you must enter the farrowing date of the sows you want to print the sowcards of. 

Setup sow card layout

Go to "Sows boars" - "Print sow cards". 

Click "Setup layout sow card" if you want to customize your sow cards.  

  • The top of the sow card is divided in 3 sections. Top left – Top middle- Top right
  • The middle of the sow card is divided in 5 sections 1-5.
  • The bottom of the sow card is divided in 3 sections. Bottom left – Bottom middle – Bottom right. 

All sections can be customized by pressing the actual section. 

When you click ”Show info” you can select from a dropdown menu. The selections are different in the different sections of the sow card.