This guide will walk you through obtaining a bearer token using the client credentials grant type in Postman 

and then utilizing that token for authorized API requests for the AgroVision Pigs API.


  • Postman: Ensure you have Postman installed.
  • Authorization endpoint:
  • Client ID and Client Secret: You'll require a client ID and client secret provided by your AgroVision.

Configure the Authorization Request in Postman

1. Create a New Request:

2. Set the Authorization Type:

  • Go to the "Authorization" tab.
  • Select "OAuth 2.0" from the "Type" dropdown.

3. Configure OAuth 2.0:

  • Scroll down to the "Configure New Token" section.
  • Grant Type: Select "Client Credentials".
  • Access Token URL: Input the token endpoint URL (authorization endpoint).
  • Client ID: Enter your client ID.
  • Client Secret: Enter your client secret.
  • Client Authentication: Select "Send as Basic Auth header".
  • Scope: "PigSows.API" or/and "Agrovision.Pigs.Public.API".

4. Set query parameters

    You'll also need to add a query parameter in the request URL of the token request:

5. Get New Access Token:

  • Click the "Get New Access Token" button.
  • Postman will send the request to the token endpoint.
  • If successful, you'll receive the access token, token type (Bearer), and other relevant information.
  • Click "Use Token".