To synchronize data between PigVision and PVMG, click on the tick icon in the middle at the top. If there is unsynchronized data, the icon will be two arrows with a line through it (see the final picture):

Here you find an overview of synchronized and non-synchronized events. If you want to edit a event before synchronizing you can click on the event. You are also able to delete it by swiping from right to left and click on the bin-icon.


The tick means events are registered and synchronized to PigVision, which means you are no longer able to edit the events on the device. If you need to edit or delete events after synchronization you need to go to PigVision on the PC.

If there are two arrows it means some events has been registered but are not yet synchronized to PigVision. Click on the icon to synchronize manually, if you need the event to be updated before the automatic synchronization.