If you have created causes in a PigVision database and want to copy it into your other databases, you can do this automatically or manually:

Automatically cause setup

1. Go to "General" - "Cause"

2. Export the layout by clicking on the green and grey arrows-icon in the top

3. Save it on your C-drive on the PC

4. Go to "General" - "Choose farm" and select the farm you want to add causes

5. Go to "General" - "Cause"

6. Import the layout by clicking on the red and grey arrwo-icon in the top

7. Choose the file you saved on the C-drive

Now it is imported.

Manually cause setup

This can be used if you don't want all the causes to be copied but only some of them. 

1. Go to "General" - "Cause"

2. Copy all the columns and press "ctrl" + "C" on the keyboard

3. Go to "General" - "Choose farm" and select the farm you want to add causes

4. Go to "General" - "Cause"

5. Click in the empty column in the bottom and press "ctrl" + "V" on the keyboard.

Now it is imported.