The list "Sows with leftovers" can be used to create an overview of how much feed has been eaten and what position the animals have in the transponder system.

Go to "Sows/boars" - "Animals" - "PigVision" - "1 breeding stock". 

Start by making a copy of this layout and name it "Sows with leftovers". 
Afterwards, click on the icon "Layout setup". 

A table appears with a list over columns, which you can remove or add to the layout. See the image below to see which columns must be present as a minimum.

Click on the icon "Show filter line" to make the green filter line visible.

In the filter line, you can now set up 5 fixed restrictions and thus decide which animals should appear on the list of leftovers. Create filters on: 

  1. Sex - write "1" for sows or right-click in the field and select "Sows" 
  2. Exit - right click and select "Empty field" so that you do not see any animals with an exit
  3. Animal type - write "0" for herd animals 
  4. Last location - this covers the locations where the sows are in the transponder system. You can either have a simple or an extended setup.

    Go to "General" - "Locations" to see your transponder locations. 
    1. Simple: If you have one location such as T1, you can simply type "T1" in the filter line.

    2. If you have several locations, you can right-click on the field, select "Between" and type the first and last location.

  5. Feed - Insert a minimum amount of feed that a sow has not eaten to see the sow on the list. For example, you can set up a filter of "2" if you want to see sows that have more than 2 FU of residual feed both yesterday and today. 

Finally, save the filter, so you always start with the fixed setup. You can change the filtering at any time and save it again. 

Click on the icon "Layout setup" and choose the "Filter sorting" tab. Afterwards, click on "Activate current filter" and "Activate current sorting". Close the window by pressing "Ok".  

Your list of leftovers will now appear with your filters every time you open it.