When linking PigVision to feed systems, there are five icons that are directly related to the future data exchange.
"Sows without transponder"
- This list shows sows without a transponder number (LFRF id). Data on these sows will not have data exchange with the feed computer.
"Sows without location"
- This list shows sows without a location and will cause errors in communication with the feed computer, if the sows have a transponder number.
"Sows of the Transponder"
- This list displays sows that have transponder numbers and a location. In the filter line you can filter so that, for example, you can only see animals out in the transponder itself.
"Transfer sow"
- This icon is used to tranfer animals between different locations. For example, out of the transponder into the farrowing barn or from the service barn to the transponder.
- To make the transfer easier, you can enter the date and the location (to which the sow/sows are moved) in the green filter line. In this way, you can copy and paste sow numbers from a list (such as the actionlist or group card) and the date and location are automatically registered on the transfers.
- Click on this icon, when you want to send data from PigVision to a feed computeren.
- First, there is a check if any data in the feed computer are missing in PigVision and then data in the feed computer is updated with data from PigVision.