Before you export sows, you should make sure that they have a unique identifier apart from the sow number. 

Any of the below tag-id / tattoo are valid unique identifier. 




You can export empty and pregnant sows. If you select a suckling sow the program will give you an error message saying that is not valid to export sows nursing piglets. 


To export sows do as follows: 


Go to the sub-menu “Removal” under the menu “Sows  boars” and make a copy of the standard layout “PigVision” and name it “Transfer”  




To set the new layout to work as an export function, click the icon and click on the tab “Special function”.





After selecting an export function click OK and then you are asked to select an export date. 


Now you can enter the sows that you want to export.  




Note: If you have a list of the sows that are to be transferred in an electronic form then you can copy & paste these numbers into the “Transfer”, Number column. 




When you are done with entering the sows to export, click on the “Export” icon in the top menu 

Windows Explorer will now open, and you can then select a location to save the file after giving it a name. End the export by clicking Ok. 




The export ends with PigVision giving the message ”File created”.  


The exported animals are now in the file and in PigVision they are now registered an exit date. You can now send the file to the receiver of the animals so that they can import then into their database.