When you receive a delivery note from CloudFarms, it will be a .PDF file. In the file you will find a link at the bottom of the page. 

Click the link and a browser will open and you will see this. 

(Sometimes you will need to copy the link and enter it into a browser yourself). 

Et billede, der indeholder tekst

Automatisk genereret beskrivelse

Click and you will download a .txt file to your computer. 

If you have a local installation you can import from the program using the tab “Breeding” – “Breed progeny”. Here you can import the progeny using this:

If you have the program online you must put the file on your C drive otherwise the program will not be able to import the file. Then you can import in the program using the tab “Breeding” – “Breed progeny” and use the folder. 

For information regarding saving on your C drive please read here: 

How to import an electronic delivery note?