The filter line is used on both data entry windows and also on various reports and analysis options. In this guide, we will show you the ways it can be used to enable you to filter data and key figures to help you interrogate the data you enter and the reports you view.

Using the filter line in data entry windows:

On all data entry windows you should see the green filter line just under the main column headings. If it is not present on your data entry layout, simply click the filter icon at the top of the screen (shown below by the red arrow):

Above is a standard data entry window to enter farrowings. In the green filter line you will see entries under both Event date and Live born. I chose these options by righ-clicking on the green filter line for the columns I want to filter by. Under event date, I wanted to choose a date range to show the figures and also in the live born filter line, I wanted to only show sows that had less than 10 born alive.

When you right-click in the filter line for a date column you will get options similar to below:

The options available are self-explanatory and I chose "Between" to select the date range required which was between 25/08/20 and the current date. When I right-click on the filter line for Live born, the options are: Equals, Greater than, Less than or between. I chose "Less than" and then entered 10 in the box that appeared. To just view data for one day, you can either choose Select date or simply type in the date required directly into the filter line (there is no need to use the dash sign between day, month and year). If you want a summary of the filtered data, you can tap on the "Show Sum Line" icon to the right of the filter icon.

Another way to filter data is shown below in the Progeny, Transfer screen:

In the above example, I have entered B in the From location filter and F in the To location filter to show me just movements from B to F. The sum line is shown at the bottom showing 69 movements along with the total number of pigs and weights. Another useful way to use the filter line is to search for missing weights where an entry has been missed. By typing in "0" (zero) into the filter line for weight, any movements of pigs where a weight has not been entered will be shown. This is useful at the end of each month when you are finalising month end reports etc.

Using the filter line in reports and analysis:

In the example below, we are using the positive/negative list and how the filter line can help identify exactly the animals you want to see on the report:

The report above is looking for all animals that are currently lactating above litter 1. To carry out this, I right-clicked in the filter line underneath the "Status" column and chose Lactating and again in the Litter no column to choose Greater than and then entered 1 in the box that appeared. This ensures I see the exact animals I want rather than having to look through the performance of animals that I don't want to see. Futher filters could be added to this report to only show animals that had less than 10 born alive over their last three litters or anything similar to this.

How to clear a filter line entry:

If you want to remove what has been entered into the filter line, you can either right click on the option and choose Clear filter... or you can simply use the back space key on your keyboard to remove the filter entry and then press Enter. If you have multiple filters set up, you may find it quicker to simply close the screen down and when you re-open it, the filter you entered will disappear.

How to permanently save a filter line entry:

If you want to save the filter line entry such as the one added above (Lactating and greater than litter 1), go to the Layout Setup button at the top of the screen (to the right of the Layout box) and choose Edit global layout. Choose the Filter Sorting tab at the top and the below screen will appear:

Put a tick in both the Save and Keep boxes for the Filter option as shown above by the green arrow and then click the Activate current filter button and click OK. The filter chosen will now be saved for the next time you run the report saving you from having to set it up each time.