If you want to print several sow cards you can use the function "Print sow card"  under the tab "Sows / boars". You can choose different options from the drop-down-box.

At the top of the window there is a drop-down box called Selection, where there are various options for selecting sow cards for printing.



1. Sow numbers to be entered. Using this you can print a series of sowcards by entering the sow numbers followed by Enter. 

2. Service groups to be entered. Write your service group number followed by Enter and you will get all sow cards from the group. E.g. you enter service group 15 and all sow cards from this group will be presented and you can print them. You can enter more than one service group.

3. Service date. Here you can select different settings for printing. User defined – you select the period you want. 

4. Farrowing date. You will see the same as Service date and you have the same options.


5. Weaning date. You will see the same as Service date and you have the same options. 


6. Expected farrowing date. Again, you will see the same as the above. 

If you eg. want "Service groups to be entered" to be the default selection, click "Preview" and then "Print". Then close all windows regarding print sow cards. The next time "Print sow cards" is opened, the selection will be on the selection for which the printout was last shown.