
The AgroVision Sows app can be downloaded from the Play store on your Android device. 

Open the Play store and enter AgroVision Sows in the search field. Choose to download or install the app to your device.

Login with your My.AgroVision credentials

After download, open the app and you will see the login screen. Here, press Log in and a new browser tab will open, where you enter your My.AgroVision credentials with your e-mail address and password.

The password belongs to your e-mail address and if you do not know the password, you can press the Lost my password option.


You can also choose to show/hide your password by tapping the eye icon to the right of the password line. You can also checkmark the remember my login box to save your login details.

After logging in you will see your farm(s). Tap on your farm name to enter the database. The first time you go into your herd, it may take a couple minutes before the farm is fully synchronized with your phone or tablet as all your historic data will be downloaded.

Settings, synchronization and notifications

On the home screen, you see three icons in the top right. 



Various settings can be found under the gear icon

Here, you can determine whether you want to connect a bluetooth reader, if you want to work online or offline and how often the app should synchronize with the web application. Additionally, you can also delete farm data, which can be useful if you have a difference in animal status in the app and on the web application, you can change between your farms and choose language.


The synchronization centre is accessed via the check mark icon. Press this and you get an overview of the items that will be synchronized and an overview of the items that are already synchronized.

The synchronization centre can be displayed with different icons, depending on the status of the synchronization.

  1. Items are synchronized with AgroVision Sows web application.
  2. New items are not yet synchronized 
    The synchronization of new data takes place every hour (by default), but it is possible to manually sync by pressing the sync all button or change the interval in settings.


To activate the camera to scan QR codes, click on the square icon. 

Navigation buttons 

On the home screen, there are three navigation buttons in the bottom of the screen.  

The button to the left shows main results for your production. Simply choose one of the tabs today or this week in the top to see the results. 

The button in the middle shows standard work lists, which are set up in AgroVision Sows web application. Therefore, changes in work lists have to be changed in the web application. Once changed, simply synchronize the app and your work lists are now updated and ready to use. 

You also have a search bar in the top of the screen from where you can search on numbers and RFID to find your animal or a location.


The button to the right shows all events and actions, which you can enter on individual animals. This feature is useful, when you want to enter a quick event and you know the animal in question instead of choosing it from a list. It is also possible to view the animal card. 

How to enter events

There are several ways to enter events for animals in the app. 

1. Use the animal number

One way to enter actions in AgroVision Sows app is to type in the animal number in the search bar. You will then see the animal with that number. When you select the animal, you will see all actions available to the animal based on the status of the animal. Before choosing the animal, you can also swipe the animal to the right, to view the animal card.

2. Use a RFID bluetooth reader and ear tags

You can use your RFID scanner to read ear tags of your animals or via any of the data entry options.

Before connecting the reader to the app, you need to have paired your reader to your mobile or tablet. Once done, go into AgroVision Sows app and go to settings. Here, you press use RFID, choose the type of reader in the top, find the paired reader on the list and connect it with the app.

3. Use navigation buttons to enter an action or event
By using the work lists (left navigation button), you can select one or more animals and add an event. You can also use the individual animal registration (right navigation button) to choose an action and then find your animal.