If you are missing the columns "Per kg" and "Per energy" for phosphorus and crude protein in the E-control, you can easily add them to the layout. 

Go to "Report" - "E-control" and calculate your E-control.

Go to the sheet "Feed" and click on the icon "Layout setup". Here you can find and check mark "Per kg" and "Per energy". When check marking, choose which nutrients you want to see. 

Click "Ok".

Now the columns are added on the E-control. 

If "Per kg" and "Per energy" are not available in layout setup, make sure your feed registrations and component registrations in the menu "General entries" are correct. 

If you have made feed registrations and afterwards made corrections in the components (for example if you have corrected dates or nutrient values back in time), you need to either delete the feed registrations and enter them again or simply reenter the amount. 

Calculate the E-control again, and the columns are now available.