Open PigVision and go to "Analysis sows" - "Effect analysis" - "PigVision" - "Service" and select "Litter, age 1st service".

Select a period and click "Calculate".


To the left in the white column for "Group" there is "Age at first service" and "Litter no". Click on "Edit" and remove the 2 key figures by selecting one at a time and click "Remove" below.
Please note that you are correcting PigVision's layout. See how to make your own here


Click on "Service" at the top and add "Days from Weaning to Service" by double-clicking on the key figure. When it is in the white box to the left below "Current", click "Ok" to close the window.



In "Layout setup" it is possible to add the key figures you want to be included in the analysis. In the example below, "Wast days/litters" has been added. Read how to do this here


To select the interval for days from weaning to service, click on "Days from Weaning to service" to the left below "Group" to mark it blue and then click on "Options".


Enter the intervals of days from weaning to service you want and click "Ok".


Now, the key figures in the analysis are based on the intervals set up for days from weaning to service. To the right, there is an overall average in the grey columns.