This article is made for problems with e-control when there is a difference for maiden gilts (location).

"Maiden gilts (location)" in e-control means maiden gilts not yet given a sow number. 

When setting up e-control you select the location for maiden gilts and that is your "maiden gilts (location)"-stock.

In PigVision you can check following, when trying to discover the reason behind the difference:

  • "Progeny" - "Entry"
  • "Progeny" - "Exit"


Check the amount of entries that have been registered for the period and into the location of maiden gilts in PigVision.

In the example below there are -88 maiden gilts according to the e-control. 

In "Progeny" - Entry" a filter is set up for Q2 in "Event date" and there are 3 entries registered to the maiden gilt location called "pav".
It looks like every 4th week the farm has entries of maiden gilts into location "pav". But if that is the case there is one date missing which is 25-06-24 in Q2. There is a possibility that this is why there is a difference in e-control for maiden gilts (location).

Click on the link to go to our guide for setting up the filter: Filter line, sorting, and sum line : PigVision | Customer Service Portal 

Add the missing event and re-calculate the e-control. Now the difference is "0".


Check up on the amount of exits that has been registered for the period and into the location of maiden gilts in PigVision. 

In the example below there are +130 maiden gilts according to the e-control.

In "Progeny" - "Exit" a filter is set up for Q2 in "Event date" and there are 5 exits registered from the maiden gilt location called "pav". 

It looks like every 1/2 month the farm is selling maiden gilts from location "pav". But in this case there is missing a sale in between May and June. There is a possibility that this is why there is a difference in the e-control for maiden gilts (location).

Add the missing event and re-calculate the e-control. Now the difference is "0".