Breed printout is an overview of breeding progeny based on different criteria.

Go to "Breeding" - "Breed printout" - "PigVision" and choose one of the standard prints:

  1. Pen card: A printout including dates for vaccination. Remember to setup location for progeny, when using this layout. 
  2. Index/Age: A printout divided in groups according to age and index.
  3. Pen/Age: Overview of age difference for each pen.
  4. Progeny: Overview of all animals that comply with the criteria.
  5. Age delivery: Overview of delivered animals and age when delivered.
    Available animal: Similar to "4. Progeny" with age on delivery and pen in groups.

You can choose one of the standard printouts or create your own based on different critia you choose. To create your own, start by choosing one of the standard printouts and copy it.  

In this example, a customized layout "Breeding printout" is created. Here, you can choose your own criteria and decide which animals you would like to get an overview of. 

  • Status: Choose "Active", "Departed" or "All" breeding animals.
  • Age: Choose if the list should include animals in a specific age interval.
  • Sex: Choose which sex you want on the list. 
  • Location: Select if the list should only include animals in specific locations.
  • Breed: Checkmark a breed. All breeds will be included on the list, if you do not checkmark one or more.
  • Approval code: Checkmark your active approval code. 
  • Group: Click on "Edit" to sort the list of animals based on age or index. You can choose several groups and prioritize the order of the groups by clicking move up/down.
  • Limitations: Click "Edit" to set min. and max. limitations for index, age, date or other criteria.

When done, click "Calculate" in the top and a list of animals matching the criteria will occur. 

Example of using a copy "Breed printout" of all active animals based on the standard printout "2. Index/Age". 

  1. Start by choosing criteria.
    Choose "Active" animals within the age of 0 to 80 weeks. As the list should show both females and males, all breeds and all approval codes, choose "All" in "Sex" and checkmark all or nothing in "Breed" and "Approval code".
  2. In "Group" choose "DanBred index" as a priority one. The second priority is "Age in weeks". 
  3. In "Limitations" you can choose to see animals with an index between 130-200.  
  4. Click "Calculate". 
  5. You can open (click on "+") and get a more detailed overview of you active animals.

  6. You can registrate vaccination data for all animals on the list.

    Go to "Data of entry" - "PigVision" - "4. Vaccination Progeny".
    All animals on the list will be transfered to a new window and here, you can registrate vaccination for all animals at once.
  7. You can get a printout the list by clicking "Layout".