Before entering treatments in Pigvision Mobile Sows, the journals have to be created in PigVision Online. 

Go to "General" - "Medicine/vaccination" - "Journals".

Here, the journals must be active and there must be added an animal type and CPH number.

Go to the app. 

There are several ways to register a treatments in PigVision Mobile Sows. 

  1. Treatments can be entered as part of a main event (service, farrowing or weaning) by tapping on the "Treatment" option below the line on the data entry option.

    Afterwards, a list with journals will be shown, where you can choose the treatment. 

    Press "Save treatment" and the sow is now treated. 
  2. Treatments can also be entered via the right hand navigation button. 

    Search for the sow and choose the journal. 

    When you have entered all the information, press "Save and close" or "Save and new" if you want to make another treatment. 
  3. A third option is by scanning the sow card. 
    Strat by opening the camera in the top of the app

    Afterwards, scan the QR-code on the sow card

    Now you can register the treatment

    Press "Save treatment" in the bottom, when you have chosen a journal.