
The Pigs Monitor includes settings for MSM Sows. These settings include the setup of the benchmarks, characteristics, targets and styling.

Pigs Monitor

You can start the Pigs Monitor via MyAgroVision by clicking on the monitor button under applications.

The start screen of the Pigs Monitor will open. Depending on the reports you have access to this screen can differ.

The next step is to go to the settings by clicking on the gear icon in the left bottom corner. 

In the image below you'll find the setting page of the monitor. Here you find the different menus and possible settings in the top of the screen.

Below you find a discription of every subject.


In benchmarks it's possible to create different benchmarks. This can be used to compare a selected farm to a selected benchmark. In the startscreen of benchmark you see a button to create a new benchmark, an overview of existing benchmarks which you can adjust by clicking on the pencil and an overview of received benchmarks from other organizations. 

When you want to create a benchmark click on "Create Benchmark" and setup the benchmark you want.


The image below will appear and you have several options:

  • Fill in a benchmark name
  • Select an operator
    • Top percentage
    • Top amount
    • Bottom percentage
    • Bottom amount
    • Average (not able to select a key figure)

  • When selecting one of the other options than average, then you must choose one of the keyfigures. In the image below we choose for top 25% based on the key figure "Pigs weaned / sow / year".

  • You can select one or more characteristics to filter farms in your benchmark. If you select multiple characteristics then all characteristics will be applied to the farm selection. Characteristics are created and assigned to farms on the characteristics setting page. Creating characteristics and assigning them to a farm is shown later.

  • You can add multiple characteristics as filter by clicking on the plus button and if you want to remove one or more then click on the minus button. 

When creating or adding your benchmark you've got a few other options. (see the image below)

  • Save the benchmark.
  • Duplicate an existing benchmark.
  • Share a benchmark with an employee.
  • Remove a benchmark.


In characteristics it's possible to create different characteristics. This can be used as a benchmark filter or to make analyses over a group of farms based on certain characteristics. In the startscreen of characteristics you see a button to create a new characteristic, oyu also see an overview of existing characteristics which you can adjust by clicking on the pencil.

When you want to create a characteristic, click on "Create Characteristics" and setup the characteristic you want.

The image below will appear and you have several options:

  • Fill in a characteristic name
  • Confirm if the characteristic is unique YES or NO.
  • Confirm if the characteristic is mandatory YES or NO.
  • Fill in the value of the characteristic. Example: Charactaristic is region then the values are North, South, East and West.

Characteristics per farm

When you've created charactteristics you can assign them to a farm. See the image below. 

You'll see an overview of all the farms connected to your organization with the different characteristics assigned per farm. This can be multiple characteristics. With the pencil you have the option to adjust and with the dustbin you're able to unassign a characteristic.


When you click on "Add" next to a farm you'll see the image below. Here you can select the characteristic and the value, when done click on "Assign".

The list of assigned characteristics can be long and therefore a filter option is made. You can filter on farm, characteristics and characteristics values. Characteristics value is only visible when a characteristic is selected. 


In targets it's possible to create different targets. This can be used to highlight serveral key figures in the report. In the startscreen of targets you see of farm linked to your organization. When you click on the gauge button you can set the targets on farm level. It's also possible to have a default set for all your farms. This can be setup when first creating a target-set. 


When you click on the gauge or default button you'll see the image below with all the targets possible.


Click into a box and change the number if needed.


In reports you can setup the setting for the reports.

  • Cycle type: litter or cycle (if you change this it will take 24 hours to be active)
  • Language
  • Weekformat: ISO or US


In styling you can setup the style of your application. This will only be affective in the application and not on the reports. 

  • Brand name: This is the brand name your company wants in the reporting tool. 
  • Primary color: Add the primary color (HEX code) of your company.
  • Secondary color: Add the secondary color (HEX code) of your company. 
  • Logo: Add your company logo.