If you want to make a combined E-control of several location you can do it the following ways. 

If you want an E-control on your sow herd which includes your gilt location and your growers location, you can set it up by clicking "General" - "Production reports". Here you must enter the location code of your gilt location and your progeny location and then it will look like this: 

If you instead want to combine several progeny locations in one report it is done in the following way. 

Create the locations for progeny by entering code, name and put a checkmark in the Location used for "Progeny":

Then you must create another location with code, name, used for progeny and then in Type you choose "GROUP OF SITES". Then you return to the other locations with progeny and in the column "Part of" you enter the code of the group location. 


Then go to "General" - "Production repoerts". Here you must create a newproduction report with code, name, keyfigures (SLG), E control (PigVision:Finisher-EC) and in Location you enter the code of the group location: