Before starting to do any work in PigVision, make sure that you have the PIC farm number and the password for PiCTraq.  

You also need to know if the farm want to have the PIC AI-boars downloaded. 

If the farm wants to have the Farm Animal and Breeding Progeny indexes download from PIC, the farm must inform PIC about this. If not, PigVision will not be able to download these.


In PigVision the first thing to do is to create a PIC Herd Number Pool. Go to "Breeding" – "Herd Number pool".


Setting up the piglet tagging series is next. The farms should have the information needed on which tags they use for the different breeds. You access the setup of tagging series by double-clicking on herd number pool: 

All active farm animals and breeding progeny must be given the PIC “herd number pool” number. ONLY animals that have the PIC Herd group number (shown by orange box below) will be included. The date is mandatory so once the herd group number is entered a date must follow. The date can be the entry date and on the breeding progeny, the birth date. 


PIC work with a Stig number (Blue box above) and PIC tattoo (Blue box above). At birth, the PIC tattoo and Stig number are the same. After birth, the Stig number can change several times but here it is important that when the animal becomes a sow, the number and Stig number become the same. 

As you can see below, this farm had a lot of animals that had to have the PIC herd group number assigned and to do this, we recommend that you use a spreadsheet. 

Using a spreadsheet for adding the Herd group to the active animals:  


In the spreadsheet fill column A with the PIC farm number (shown on the right hand side with the blue box around the columns). 

For the Farm animals (Animals type 0 shown by green arrow) copy the entry date from PigVision to the spreadsheet column B. Make sure that the date format is the same as in PigVision.

Now highlight column A and B and press Ctrl + C on your keyboard to Copy them. In PigVision, click in the first field in Herd group Number and Paste by using Ctrl + V on your keyboard. This should now fill the Number and Date for all farm animals. 


For the breeding progeny (Animal type 3 in filter line) copy the Birth date from PigVision to the spreadsheet column B. Again, make sure that the date format is the same as in PigVision. 

Now highlight column A and B and copy them using Ctrl + C on your keyboard. In PigVision, click on the first column in Herd group Number and Paste using Ctrl + V. This should now fill the Number and Date for all active breeding progeny. 

With the above done, the farm is now ready to have PIC data-exchange activated in MyAgroVision. 

Important here is to know that you will need to have a person from the farm do the activation in MyAgroVision as it is the farm's email and their password that is needed for the activation. 

Before you can enter MyAgroVision, the farm has to have both CPH and VAT reg number as shown above in the Farm Details screen accessed via General menu, Administration.


Another thing to have a clear agreement with the farm on is from which date the data exchange with PIC should start. All data in PigVision will be sent to PICTraq from that date. PIC will report errors back if the data is already in PICTraq. No harm is done but there will be an error list that you can just leave.

Activate PIC communication in My.AgroVision

In the right bottom of the PigVision screen press MyAgroVision.  

The first thing you see is the log in screen:  

 As it is the first time the farm is logging in, they must choose “Register new user” .

You now have a screen where you must enter an email address (Important is that the email address is one that the person you are helping to set up the farm for PIC, has access to).

Enter a password (must contain a letter, a number and a special sign like !”%&/). 

Repeat the password and then click the “Register new user”. 

MyAgroVision will send a activation email to the email address:  


Click activate and you are ready to log in and setup the PIC data-exchange.  

In PigVision, click on the MyAgrovision option in the bottom right of your screen, you can now log in and activate the PIC data exchange:


Fill out the information on User, Password and the PIC farm number. This information you get from PIC. 

Also enter the date from when you want the data to be sent to PICTraq.  

Also decide if PIC AI-boars are to be downloaded. If yes to download, then there is a mapping to map farm breeds to PIC breed codes to be done. 

The Code mapping is one that the farm must do themselves as some need to map many and others are already using the PIC code. 

If the codes/causes in PigVision do not match the PIC codes, errors are returned to the user from PICTraq.


Code mappings between PigVision and PICTraq 

There are two mappings:


The Causes that cover exit reasons, piglet deaths reasons and remarks like defects and observations 

The Breed Mapping is for the link between farm breed codes and PIC AI-boar breed codes. 

Example Cause mapping below:


Use the search function if needed. 

Farm code on the left and PIC causes on the right. 

On this farm there are 126 active used code/causes out of total 486 codes. 

Example Breed mapping:


Use the search function to find the breeds. 

Here you can see that Danish Landrace and Danish Large White have been linked to the farms LL and YY. 

The setup of the Data-Exchange with PIC is now done and the data-exchange will run every night (every 24 hours). 

You can activate the upload to ADEx manually if you go to "General" - "Administration" - "Export" - "Upload to ADEx".