The below explanation will work for adding or removing columns from a data entry window or changing key figures shown on a report.

 The aim on the above window is to add the Transferred piglets column to we can register piglets fostered on or off.

To add or remove a column from the screen, either click the Layout Setup button (shown by green arrow above) or right-click on a column heading such as Live born, still born etc. If you click the layout setup button, choose Edit global layout from the box that appears to bring up the list of available options (shown below).

Scroll down to find the column you want to add and place a tick in the box as shown above for Transferred piglets. If you want to change where the column appears on your layout, use the Up or Down buttons on the right hand side (shown but the black rectangle) or hold down the Shift key and arrow up or down buttons on your keyboard. When happy with the layout, click OK to set the new layout.