Version 2025.02 (04/02/2025)
AgroVision Crops
- The information text at disease pressure and infection has been added.
Version 2025.01 (21/01/2025)
AgroVision Crops
- The module has a new design and new functionalities: disease pressure, radar, graphs and weather forecast in text
Version 2024.21 (10/29/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- When you add a culture manually a check is done to find a field, if no field can be found a question will popup asking if you also want to create a field
Version 2024.18 (09/17/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- The 'expected yield' is added to a culture
- the item 'field' is added tot the ferritization report
Minerals (only NL)
- More text is shown at the exclamation mark in AgroVision Crops Mineral
- The N-norms for leguminous green fertilzers are updated
Version 2024.17 (09/03/2024)
Minerals (only NL)
- Cultures marked as bufferstrip or landscape element are no longer shown in AgroVision Crops Mineral
Version 2024.16 (08/20/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- Some new methods have been added in AgroVision Crops (f.e spotspraying)
- We updated reference layers in AgroVision Crops and AgroVision Crops Corporate
- Fields NL 2024
- Fields NRW 2024 (Germany - Nordrhein Westfalen)
- Fields FR 2022 (France)
- Fields NV (Nutrient poluted areas) and DV (Derogation free zone) layers July 2024
Version 2024.15 (06/08/2024)
Minerals (only NL)
- the calculation of the reduction from catch crops for the next year (Settings, tab Catch Crop on sand or loess)
Version 2024.14 (07/23/2024)
Minerals (only NL)
- The nitrogen usage norm for cultures in Ground water protection areas in a Nutrient polluted area on sand or loess in the provinces Overijssel, Gelderland, Utrecht, North-Brabant or Limburg are deducted with 10% in 2024
- The nitrogen usage norm for cultures in (other) nutrient polluted areas is 5% lower
Version 2024.12 (06/25/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- The nearest weather station is selected when you add a culture
AgroVision Crops App
- Registration Grassland usage is added
- If there is no pesticide control on a crop, the app show all selected spraying products and give a clear sign that there is no pesticide control for that crop, when maiing a spraying registration
Version 2024.11 (06/11/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- Grassland usage is added as registration type
- the authorization tab (menu Communication) is split up into three different tabs, contractor, consultant and data access
Version 2024.08 (04/30/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- The list of Polish pesticides is updated, expiration date and date available untill are updated
- The location filter is now also available for Consultants and Contractors
- Helpbutton is available for Gewis and Meteo only users, so they can see where the weather stations are
- In AgroVision Crops you can now also see total number and total ha of selected cultures
- Colruyt Group is added as an Edi buyer
AgroVision Crops App
- we now show total number and ha of selected cultures
- we added a button to the marker, so you can now start your navigation app from the AgroVision Crops app
- The reason per product is now also remembered when entered in the app
AgroVision Crops Consultant
- When a customer has Meteo, a consultant also sees Meteo when logged in to that customer
Version 2024.05 (03/19/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- Change color polygon on map
- Remember reason per product in spraying registration
- text No filter / Filter(s) active is added
Version 2024.03 (02/20/2024)
AgroVision Crops
- New map layers (NL): Nutrient poluted areas and Derogation free zone
- AgroVision weather stations (NL) have been replaced by KNMI weather stations
Version 2023.24 (19/12/2023)
AgroVision Crops
- Reference layer 'Fields Netherlands 2023' is now available
Version 2023.17 (07/09/2023)
AgroVision Crops
- Excel export button is added for culture report
- Crop rotation is added in reference layer 'Fields'
- Composition NPK is added to fertilizer list in registration Fertilizer
AgroVision Crops App
- Warnings windspeed is added tot overview screen
- Marker function is added to the map
- Choice list Nozzles is shown instead of the complete list
Version 2023.11 (06/13/2023)
AgroVision Crops
- Marker button is added to the map
Version 2023.07 (04/18/2023)
AgroVision Crops
- Filters on culture, buffer strip, landscape elements and date are added
- Cultures types buffer strip, landscape element are added to Culture info