To be able to calculate E-control reports for your herd, you register the number of animals on the stocktake date, which is the end-date for the period. This registration is used for the balance. The balance shows whether your count of animals and the programs calculations of active herd animals based on the last stocktake and the entrances and exits in the period, are the same. 


Stocktake for sows and boars

Go to "Sows/Boars" – "Stocktake".



Date: The date must be entered. 


Location Code: Here you enter which location the count relates to. It is important that the location of the stocktake and the E-control report calculation are the same (See in "General" - "Production Report". 


Active: By adding a check mark in the active column the stocktake is pre-selected for the E-control report calculation, even though they all have a check mark the calculation will only be regarding the last five stocktakes. 


Boars/Sows/Maiden gilts: Here you register the stocktake of these animal types. 


Maiden gilts with numbers: Here you register your stocktake-count of maiden gilts with a sow number. This is only relevant, if the maiden gilts get a sow number before the first service, for example for training to ESF.


Suckling piglets’ number: Here you register the number of suckling piglets. 


Kg/Avg. weight: You can either enter the total weight of the suckling piglets (use the column Kg.) or their average weight and the total weight will be calculated by the program. The blue numbers indicate that it is a calculation from the program. 


Nursery / Maiden gilts: In "General" – "Production report" you can select that your progeny and/or your nursery is calculated on the E-control report as well. You must enter your stocktake for these animal types as well. The way you use these columns are the same for nursery and progeny. 


Location code: If you have added a progeny or nursery location to your production report this column will automatically be filled in. 


Number: Here you enter the number of animals. 

Total/Avg. kg: Here you can either register the total or average weight of the progeny or nursery pigs. The program will calculate the opposite weight of what you have entered. The blue number is the number that the program has calculated. 


Value per Animal or per Kg.: You can enter a value per animal or per Kg. of the progeny or nursery pigs. 


Stocktake progeny

Go to "Progeny" – "Stocktake". 



Date: Here you must enter the date of the stocktake.


Location Code: Here you enter which location the count relates to. It is important that the location of the stocktake and E-control report calculation are the same, as the one you have entered in "General" – "Production report". 


No. of pigs: Here you enter the number of animals.


Weight total kg / Avg. Kg:  You can either enter the total weight or the average weight per. animal and the program will automatically calculate the other weight. In the example above the total weight is entered and the program has calculated the average weight.


Active: By adding a check mark in the active column, the stocktake is pre-selected for E-control report calculation, even though they all have a check mark the calculation will only be regarding the last five stocktakes. 


Value per animal: Here you add a value per animal, which is used for the valuation change on the E-control report.


Value per Kg: Here you add a value for each kg of pig, and this is used for the valuation change on the E-control report. Remark: Status value and trade value are not the same. For use in Denmark SEGES calculate status values, that can be seen on

Stocktake in general

More locations on the same report

If, in "General" - "Location", you have specified a hierarchy of locations, with for example pens as a part of sections, sections as a part of barns etc. you need to be aware  that you have to specify a stocktake for each location that you want to calculate a E-control report for. For example, if you have 3 sections with 25 animals in each and which to make a report for the whole barn, then you need to specify that there are 75 animals in the stable, even you have made a status for each of the 3 sections.


Stocktake, if the barn has been empty

If the location has been empty on a date for stocktake, it’s necessary to make a line with the date and number of animals as zero.


If the production runs as ''All in/All out'', it can be appropriate to make the E-control for batches instead of locations.